Sunday, January 16, 2011

Richly Blessed

One thing I have always known and cherished, is Grandma's love for spending time with her church ladies. During my time here with her, many of the ladies called or sent cards. Every one of them talks about how much they adore my grandma... and she adores them.

Each month, she joins with a group of ladies for her Circle Group. They have a time of prayer, devotion and teaching. This Saturday was a great day for Grandma. We laughed and talked before we joined her friends at Ruby's house. On the way there, we shared stories and talked about things we wanted to do.

Ruby, a precious woman that loves Grandma, had set the table with her fine dinner china. Each lady brought a dish... we brought cookies. There is something so special about sharing a meal together. Jesus modeled gathering together around the table with the disciples during His time on earth. Time around the table lends itself to sharing stories, discussing the latest news and sharing what God is doing.

I sat at a small table to the side with a couple of ladies and enjoyed watching from a distance. My time around a dinner table with friends and family is time that I treasure. I pray that I will never stop gathering with those I love around the table.

After the meal, Majorie shared a lesson from the book of Revelation. Her love for Scripture overflowed to those around her. I love this pic of Grandma listening intently.

This is a painting that Marjorie just painted in a paint class. She talked about Jesus knocking at the door of our hearts, waiting to be invited in.

Win and her daughter, Robin. Robin and I have become friends overnight. I had the privilege of making a scrapbook for Win for her 90th birthday. We have also enjoyed talking about travels around the world. I laughed as we sat to the side. It was like being at the kid's table again for a holiday meal.

Grandma and Marjorie... lovely ladies. My prayer is that I always cling to learning Scripture and studying with other women, just as they have.

I am richly blessed.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Look at these sweet ladies! I love that one of them is taking a painting class!

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ALICT 2009
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