Monday, June 14, 2010

Only 3 more to go

The only reason I am writing a blog right now is because I am avoiding writing devotions for Wednesday through Friday. Our Women's Ministry has a website with daily devotions ( I am the one that uploads the devotions each week. I am also on the writing rotation. Saturday morning I realized that no one had emailed their devotions to me. I checked the schedule to see who should be sending them in via email.

Dang it.

It was me.

Hmmm... Saturday I was not feeling so great and could not think straight so I did not write. Sunday during the day I hung out with college students most of the afternoon. Sunday evening I was able to write one devotion. Yes, one out of five.

That means Monday was covered.

Dang it.

Tuesday is tomorrow.

After about an hour with my computer and Bible, Tuesday was written. Now, I just need 3 more. I can do this. I just need to get off blogger.

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